Welcome to the At-risk Populations eTool. This eTool is a companion to the At-risk Populations Workbook. It is designed to first give you helpful information about defining, locating, and reaching at-risk populations in your community. Phases 1, 2, and 3 follow the introduction, where you will learn how to build your own community outreach information network (COIN). The last sections of the eTool contain suggestions for next steps and how to help you keep your COIN current and an eToolbox with more helpful information and resources.
Notice the menu on the left with the blue bar. If you click on the little arrow on the bar, the menu will collapse or expand. In this area you can browse for a term and follow your progress through the eTool. Any area of the eTool can be accessed by clicking on the top tabs or by choosing an entry in the menu on the left.
At the bottom of the page you can see the resource guide that will be helpful when you are reading through the sections or building your own plan. The resource guide also includes fillable PDF templates and a comprehensive fillable PDF—referred to as "Plan Components." These fillable PDF documents can be saved to your desktop. As you enter information in them, be sure to save your progress. Let's begin!
[Click on a bar to go to that section. Begin with Introduction]