Red Cross (
The Red
Cross is a private, voluntary organization that is tasked by the Federal
Government to provide immediate disaster relief, such as shelter, food,
and health services, to victims of disasters of all kinds -- natural
and manmade.
Intelligence Agency (CIA) (
provides evidence-based foreign intelligence related to national security,
including information about the potential terrorist use of chemical,
biological, radiological, and nuclear agents.
of Agriculture (USDA) (
USDA has
the primary responsibility for protecting the safety of the Nation's
food supply. The agency has a comprehensive biosecurity system designed
to prevent the harmful introduction of plant and animal pathogens into
America's system of agriculture and food production. This system includes
resources and response mechanisms in case an emergency should occur.
USDA also closely coordinates with the States, industry, law enforcement,
and other Federal agencies, such as the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA), CDC, and the U.S. Customs Service, on biosecurity issues.
of Defense (DoD)
The armed
service branches of DoD, including the Army, Air Force, Marines,
and National Guard, continue to be the frontline military defense
against terrorist threats.
The DoD's
Defense Threat Reduction Agency focuses specifically on safeguarding
America from weapons of mass destruction (WMD) (chemical, biological,
radiological, nuclear, and high explosives) by reducing the present
threat and preparing for the future threat.
In addition
to its traditional military role, the DoD also supports the operations
of other Federal Government agencies as well as State and local governments.
The mission of the U.S. Army Soldier and Biological Chemical Command's
(SBCCOM) Homeland Defense Business Unit is to enhance the response
capabilities of military, Federal, State, and local emergency responders
to terrorist incidents involving WMD.
of Energy (DOE) (
One of
the DOE's primary missions is to enhance national security in relation
to nuclear energy. The Emergency Operations unit of the National Nuclear
Security Administration (NNSA) directs DOE's and NNSA's emergency responses
at DOE and NNSA facilities and field sites, and to nuclear and radiological
emergencies within the United States and abroad.
The Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory's Chemical and Biological Defense Program
(PNNL) has researchers focusing on the whole spectrum of chemical, biological,
and nuclear weapons. In addition to creating pathogen detection systems,
PNNL prepares military forces and emergency responders to recognize
and respond to incidents involving WMD, with emphasis on chemical and
biological threats.
of Health and Human Services (HHS) (
HHS is
the primary agency for coordinating health, medical, and health-related
social services under the Federal Response Plan. HHS also provides medical
teams to assist the FBI, Secret Service, and Department of State in
the field.
National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) (
is a federally coordinated system that augments the Nation's emergency
medical response capability. The overall purpose of the NDMS is to establish
a single, integrated, national medical response capability for assisting
State and local authorities in dealing with the medical and health effects
of major peacetime disasters and providing support to the military and
Veterans Health Administration medical systems in caring for casualties
evacuated back to the United States from overseas armed conflicts.
Office of Emergency Preparedness (OEP) has the departmental responsibility
for managing and coordinating Federal health, medical, and health-related
social services and recovery to major emergencies and federally declared
disasters, including natural disasters, technological disasters, major
transportation accidents, and terrorism. Working in partnership with
FEMA and the Federal interagency community, OEP serves as the lead Federal
agency for health and medical services within the Federal Response Plan.
OEP also directs and manages the National Disaster Medical System. OEP
is also responsible for Federal health and medical response to terrorist
acts involving WMD.
of the Interior (DOI) (
The DOI's
Hazards and Facilities Team of their Office of Policy Management and
Budget works to ensure adequate capability to prepare for and respond
to incidents caused by natural or human effects that impact Federal
lands, resources (including nationwide fish and wildlife resources,
flood plains, wetlands, and cultural/historic resources), facilities,
tenants, employees, visitors, and adjacent landowners.
of Justice, Office for Domestic Preparedness (
The Office
for Domestic Preparedness (ODP), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), is
the program office responsible for enhancing the capacity and preparedness
of State and local jurisdictions to respond to WMD incidents of domestic
terrorism. ODP's State and Local Domestic Preparedness Program accomplishes
this through its training, exercises, equipment grants, and technical
assistance programs.
of State (
State Department
activities related to emergency response include protecting and assisting
U.S. citizens living or traveling abroad and keeping the public informed
about U.S. foreign policy and relations with other countries.
The Office
of the Coordinator of Counterterrorism coordinates all U.S. Government
efforts to improve counterterrorism cooperation with foreign governments
and coordinates responses to major international terrorist incidents
in progress. Another primary responsibility of the Office is to develop,
coordinate, and implement American counterterrorism policy.
of Transportation (DOT)
DOT contains
several important agencies that deal with emergency situations. The
U.S. Coast Guard responds to maritime emergencies and also may assist
State and local officials in dealing with chemical incidents, particularly
oil and hazardous materials spills.
Other DOT agencies that may be involved in emergency response are the
Federal Aviation Administration (
and the Federal Railroad Administration (,
particularly their Hazardous Materials Division.
of the Treasury (
The primary
divisions of the Department of the Treasury involved in emergency response
are the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) and the U.S.
Customs Service. ATF supports Federal, State, and local governments
in responding to and investigating incidents caused by arson and/or
explosives. They have national response teams typically able to respond
within 24 hours of the incident.
The U.S.
Customs Service guards U.S. borders to prevent the entry of illegal
substances that may be used for a terrorist attack.
Protection Agency (EPA), Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention
Office (CEPPO) (
provides leadership, advocacy, and assistance to (1) prevent and prepare
for chemical emergencies, (2) respond to environmental crises, and (3)
inform the public about chemical hazards in their community. To protect
human health and the environment, CEPPO develops, implements, and coordinates
regulatory and nonregulatory programs. The Office carries out this work
in partnership with regions, domestic and international organizations
in the public and private sectors, and the general public.
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) (
serves as the lead agency for preventing acts of terrorism in the United
States. The FBI Web site includes descriptions of major investigations
under way as well as specific reports on terrorism.
The Awareness
of National Security Issues and Response (ANSIR) Program is the FBI's
national security awareness program. It is the public voice of the FBI
for espionage, counterintelligence, counterterrorism, economic espionage,
cyber and physical infrastructure protection, and all national security
issues. The program is designed to provide unclassified national security
threat and warning information to U.S. corporate security directors
and executives, law enforcement, and other Government agencies. It also
focuses on the "response" capability unique to the FBI's jurisdiction
in both law enforcement and counterintelligence investigations.
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) (
the Federal agency that coordinates the response of Federal agencies
to disasters and the communication of information about disasters between
Federal agencies and the public, particularly within the first 48 hours
following the event.
Guide for All-Hazard Emergency Operations Planning State and Local Guide
(101), Chapter 6, Attachment G - Terrorism, Tab B, April 2001, provides
a detailed list of Federal departments and agencies with counterterrorism-specific
roles. Agencies mentioned include FEMA, DOJ, DoD, DOE, HHS, EPA, DOA,
and NRC.
Domestic Preparedness Office (NDPO) (
The mission
of this Office is to coordinate and facilitate all Federal WMD efforts
to assist State and local emergency responders with planning, training,
equipment, exercise, and health and medical issues necessary to respond
to a WMD event. Program areas encompass planning, training, exercises,
equipment, information sharing, and public health and medical services.
Federal partners include FEMA, FBI, DOE, EPA, DOJ, Office for State
and Local Domestic Preparedness Support, HHS, and the National Guard
Regulatory Commission (NRC) (
NRC's Office
of Nuclear Security and Incident Response (NSIR) is ready to respond
to an event at an NRC-licensed facility that could threaten public health
and safety or the environment. NRC's highest priority is to provide
expert consultation, support, and assistance to State and local public
safety officials responding to the event. Once the NRC incident response
program is activated, teams of specialists obtain and evaluate event
information to assess the potential impact of the event on public health
and safety and the environment.
of Homeland Security
The Office
of Homeland Security and the Homeland Security Council have been established
to develop and coordinate a comprehensive national strategy to strengthen
Federal, State, and local counterterrorism efforts. Resources include
the Homeland Security State Contact List, which shows the homeland security
contact for each State.
Security Administration (TSA) (
is a new agency, developed in 2001 in response to the events of September
11, to protect the Nation's various transportation systems. Some of
its duties include strengthening security systems at airports and coordinating
transportation matters for the Federal Government in the event of a
future terrorist incident.
National Response Team (NRT)
consists of 16 Federal agencies with responsibilities, interests, and
expertise in various aspects of emergency response to pollution incidents.