Quantum Information Science (QIS) Principal Investigator (PI) Meeting

Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science
Washington Marriott Wardman Park
2660 Woodley Road NW
Washington, DC 20008
March 12-13, 2020

Poster Sessions

Poster Guidelines

Each project is expected to present a poster on either Thursday, March 12 or Friday, March 13.

  • Each project will be assigned a single 4 foot wide x 4 foot high half of one poster board side
  • Each poster will be assigned to either March 12 or March 13. If you have a preference for which date your poster will be presented, email Tameka Morgan (Tameka.morgan@science.doe.gov) no later than March 1, 2020.
  • The poster boards are numbered and each poster will be assigned a numbered location.
  • It is the responsibility of poster presenters to print and set up their poster.
  • Posters can be set up any time before the assigned poster session starts.

Posters must be removed by 1:00 p.m. on Friday, March 13.