Prepping for the Science Bowl

Science Bowl Prep voice app

LINK: How to Enable the Science Bowl Prep App (PDF)

Teams can practice for the Tennessee Science Bowl using the Science Bowl Prep voice app on either an Amazon Echo (Alexa) device or Google Home device as well as their respective apps on a smartphone.

To use the Science Bowl Prep app on your Amazon device:

  1. Enable the Science Bowl Prep skill on your Alexa device or smartphone app. (Note: Enabling an Alexa skill must only be done the first time you attempt to access it)
  2. Ask Alexa to “Open Science Bowl Prep.” 

For Google Home devices, say “Hey Google, talk to Science Bowl Prep.” (Note: Enabling the action first is not required on Google).

For more detailed instructions on accessing the app, please see How to Enable the Science Bowl Prep App.

The Science Bowl Prep voice app relies on sample questions provided by the U.S. Department of Energy National Science Bowl. These are question sets that have been used in previous National Science Bowls. At release, the Science Bowl Prep app has 10 rounds of questions with 25 toss up questions and 25 bonus questions for each round. Additional question sets will continue to be added. The Science Bowl Prep app is designed to simulate real game play with the voice assistant serving as the moderator. When students launch Science Bowl Prep, they can select a round, and the voice assistant will ask the first toss up question. Contestants can give their answers directly to the digital assistant by voice. Correct answers will allow the students an opportunity to then answer a bonus question.

Because Science Bowl Prep is in beta mode, we need your help. Should you encounter bugs in the operation of the app, please report them to us by email at

Printable Sample Questions 

Sample questions are also available as pdf files. These questions were used in past Science Bowl competitions.

Sample Questions —Used at the Regional Competitions in Previous Years (from the National Science Bowl website)

Additional Questions

Biology - Set 1
Biology - Set 2

Chemistry - Set 1
Chemistry - Set 2

Earth Science

