Poster Guidelines
- The maximum size for each "poster" is 8 foot wide x 4 foot high poster board side.
- The PIs may choose to have multiple posters on one side (for example, two 4x4 posters) or have a single smaller poster on a board (for example, a single 6x3 poster that does not use all the allocated space).
- It is not necessary to have a poster that takes up the entire space.
- The poster boards are numbered and each poster will be assigned a numbered location.
- It is the responsibility of poster presenters to print and set up their poster.
- Posters can be set up any time before the assigned poster session starts.
- The deadlines are Thursday, July 2nd, for poster names, and Monday, July 13th, for the poster PDF.
- Please enter the names and authors of your posters in the google doc spreadsheet linked below under your project name (rows 6-11 show an example in red of how to enter the poster/author names):
Google Doc Spreadsheet
Posters can be conveniently uploaded on the website by this link or click "Submit Poster" in the Poster Sessions submenu to the left.
- Posters that are over 5MB – 10MB (or reduced in size up to 10MB)
- Resize the PDF file by resaving and choosing the "save as other", "Optimize PDF", and reduce the size there before uploading.
- Email the PDF file to Deneise Terry.
- We can retrieve a poster if it is on Google account or Dropbox, send an email with access permission to Deneise Terry.
- Posters that cannot be reduced enough to upload or email will be loaded to a flash drive at the meeting.