Templates + Graphic Elements

These open-source materials are free to use as you create your own tailored communication materials. No attribution is required. Create tailored content by applying evidence-based messages from the Let's Talk - Communicating About Alcohol and Pregnancy Communication Guide.

Communication Templates

Use these graphics and suggested copy to create social media posts for X (Twitter), Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.


Use these graphic elements to enhance your own materials and products.

CDC’s Public Health Image Library

Copyright cleared public health related images available to use at no charge.

FASD NPN Brand Graphics

Brand guide and source files for logo options and graphics (shapes, doodles, divider lines).

Gender Expression Collection

Copyright cleared stock photo library featuring images of trans and non-binary models that go beyond clichés - refer to collection guidelines for usage considerations and attribution requirements.

Free Stock Photo Resources

List of 22 resources for copyright cleared, free stock photos - refer to individual resource guidelines for attribution requirements.

ORAU Design Assistance

Request assistance with creating finished products that include stock images or videos from Adobe Stock, iStock, or Getty Images.

Help ensure consistent communications between the NPN and other public health allies. These style guides provide guidelines for using design elements, including logos, color palettes, visual elements, fonts, and more.

Use these videos to enhance your social media, presentations, website, blog, and press releases.

Finding Strength – FASD Awareness Month

Emily encourages people with FASDs to identify and build upon their strengths.
Video length: 30 seconds

Landscape (X post, LinkedIn post, Facebook Post)

Portrait (Instagram reel, Facebook reel)

Square (Instagram post)

Advice for Healthcare Professionals – FASD Awareness Month

Emily encourages HCPs to view people with FASDs in a wholistic and compassionate way.
Video length: 53 seconds

Landscape (X post, LinkedIn post, Facebook Post)

Portrait (Instagram reel, Facebook reel)

Square (Instagram post)

Impact of a Diagnosis – FASD Awareness Month

Jen’s experience of her son being diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome.
Video length: 59 seconds

Landscape (X post, LinkedIn post, Facebook Post)

Portrait (Instagram reel, Facebook reel)

Square (Instagram post)

Embracing Strengths – FASD Awareness Month

Laura encourages people with FASDs to utilize their strengths and ask for supports.
Video length: 38 seconds

Landscape (X post, LinkedIn post, Facebook Post)

Portrait (Instagram reel, Facebook reel)

Square (Instagram post)

Diagnosis is Freedom and Power – FASD Awareness Month

Patima encourages parents and caregivers to seek a correct diagnosis for their child.
Video length: 1 minute

Landscape (X post, LinkedIn post, Facebook Post)

Portrait (Instagram reel, Facebook reel)

Square (Instagram post)

Presentation Templates