Communication Resources

These resources enhance efforts to promote evidence-based messaging and amplify consistent information sharing with other like-minded organizations.

Guides and Tips

A Tool to Develop and Assess Communication Products

Use this research-based tool to plan and assess public communication materials. This 20-item Index can be used on materials regardless of format or distribution channel.

Search Tool for Jargon Alternatives or Plain Language Words

Get expert recommendations from CDC’s Health Literacy Council and other agency communicators on how to limit jargon and enhance reader understanding. Find public health jargon alternatives and example sentences.

Communication Principles with a Healthy Equity Lens

Apply principles that emphasize the importance of addressing all people inclusively and respectfully. Application of key principles and preferred terms ensures communication products and strategies are adapted to the specific cultural, linguistic, environmental, and historical situation of each population or audience of focus.

Communicating about Alcohol and Pregnancy: A Guide to Improve Patient-Provider Communication on the Risks of Alcohol Use During Pregnancy

Use this guide to support consistent communication with evidence-based messages. It includes highly rated messages, insights into healthcare professional communication preferences, and links to materials and resources.

A Communication Guide for LHDs to Promote Substance-Free Pregnancies and Prevent FASDs

This message guide intends to help LHDs engage in conversations about preventing FASDs with different audiences.

Reports, Articles, and Announcements about FASDs and Substance Use

Use these resources to help shape effective communication around FASDs and substance use issues. FrameWorks applies social science methods to study how people understand various social issues and how best to frame them.

Protecting Individuals with Lived Experience in Public Disclosure Guide and the Lived Experience Safeguard Scale (LESS)

Use this guide and scale to identify and manage the potential harms involved in publicly sharing addition recovery stories. Engaging PLE in review of materials to question assumptions of appropriateness is a critical step. Learn how and when to do this.

Tip Sheet – Handling Comments

Implement these best practices to ensure your social media infrastructure is ready to respond to negative comments or misinformation.

Tip Sheet – Responding to Comments

Craft replies by using a common risk communication practice called the truth sandwich method.

Social Media Misinformation Log

Use this log to monitor and track misinformation events across your social media channels.

FASD NPN Resources

2025 Awareness Days and Observances for Social Media Content Development

Use this calendar to inform your social media content creation plan and selection of awareness days.

2024 Awareness Days and Observances for Social Media Content Development

Use this calendar to inform your social media content creation plan and selection of awareness days.

2023 Awareness Days and Observances for Social Media Content Development

Use this calendar to inform your social media content creation plan and selection of awareness days.

Read past editions from this bi-monthly bulletin, which highlights project-related social media messages, encourages cross-promotion, promotes resource sharing, and amplifies consistent messaging. Email to be added to the mailing list.

NPN Social Media Handles and Accounts List

Use this list of FASD NPN social media handles to follow partner organizations across social media. This ‘click to follow’ list is sorted by individual partner organizations.

NPN Summary Report of FASD NPN Social Media Activity

This report includes an analysis of FASD NPN posts related to prenatal alcohol and polysubstance use and FASDs from January 2023–September 2024 and actions to consider for enhancing NPN communication efforts.